Report from the NAACP State Convention

I’m emailing you from the middle of the NAACP state convention as your delegate along with Joyce and Mary Sue. I just want to take a moment to tell you how much our branch has been recognized at the state level for the work that we have done. I was immensely proud to stand along with other presidents before the Body and to have Rev. Barber take a special note of the outstanding work that our particular new branch has been doing. Two individuals so far have approached me saying that Laurel Ashton recommended to them to talk to me about how we do things in our branch as a model of how other branches could be active. I was delighted to be introduced to our Sate Conference first vice-president, Carolyn Coleman and have her tell me that she recognized me from the impressive videos that Avram produced about the work that we do.

I know that these things would not have been possible without your consistent support over the last few months. These are strong pieces of evidence that we are being noticed state-wide because we have an impact in our community and beyond.
Thank you for the work that you have done and for the privilege of representing you as a voting member of the state conference.