What Happened to Lennon Lacy?
The swing set where Lennon Lacy was found hanging from in a trailer park in the rural town of Bladenboro, North Carolina.
Justice for Lennon Lacy is a top concern for the North Carolina NAACP, and although he died nearly 9 months ago, many questions remain unanswered.
Join us on Saturday, June 13–Following our monthly business meeting we will view a film about the case and the involvement of the NAACP. Discussion will follow on the roles of law enforcement, NAACP, and legal redress.
See the for more information.
“What Happened to Lennon Lacy?” is a Fusion Film recording of the Bladenboro town hall meeting led by Rev. Barber of the NC NAACP on December 1, 2014. 1 hour 20 minutes.