Anuncio Sobre la Decisión Sobre el Programa DACA Febrero 26

Comunidad, hace unos minutos . Esto quiere decir que el amparo para lxs dreamers continuará mientras la corte siga evaluando el estatus legal del programa. Esto da un alivio, pero aún sigue la incertidumbre en los meses que vienen. La Asociación Nacional para el Progreso de la Gente de Color (NAACP) en su representación en Jackson County extiende a lxs dereamers en nuestra comunidad nuestra solidaridad y apoyo. Nos ponemos a su disposición en este periodo de transición. Ténganos presente cuando necesiten auxilio legal o cuando experimenten abuso por su raza, orígen o estatus migratorio.

Community, a few minutes ago, the Supreme Court issued a stay that keeps the DACA program past the March 5th deadline. This means that the protection issued to dreamers in the program will continue while the Court is evaluating the program. This gives some relief, but continues the uncertainty in the months to come. The Jackson County NAACP extends to dreamers in our community our solidarity and support. We are available to you in this period of transition. Please keep us in mind when you are in legal need or when you suffer abuse because of your race, origin or immigration status.


  • michael jones

    Is it possible to offer locations of sanctuary, if needed?

    • Enrique Gómez

      Yes! The state NAACP and our coalition partners, particularly religious communities, have procured sanctuary to many individuals in NC who are facing unjust and arbitrary deportation orders. I am not aware of such instance locally. If such communities want to step up and prepare for such possibilities, that would be of help.

  • Enrique and Dan,
    Would it be appropriate to send this communication to The Herald?…or, more quietly to some of the local churches to ask if they might consider become a partnered Sanctuary community? That would call for volunteers. donations, etc.
    This communication touched the tenderest of my senses.
    Thank you.
    Lucy Christopher