
Thank you for your interest in the Jackson County NC NAACP.

Using this website:

The latest branch news can always be found under the “Blog” tab above, or by clicking on the large title, “Jackson County NC NAACP,” at the top of every page. The most recent blog posts are listed at the top, so you can scroll down to see past posts. You can also find posts of interest by clicking on a keyword “tag” in the tag cloud (“Looking for something specific?”), which is in the lower right panel on every page.

Meetings and events are always posted in the “Calendar.” Hover over Calendar entries to see event times, and click on the entries to view the full event details, including addresses, maps, and relevant contact information.

To learn about the mission, history, and leadership of this branch of the NAACP, click on the “About” tab above. Additional “People” and “Meetings” subheaders will appear when you hover over the “About” tab.

The Twitter feed in the lower right panel of every page is an excellent way to learn more about what’s going on in the NAACP today. Scroll through the feed to see recent tweets from a selection of NAACP branches, the North Carolina NAACP, and the national NAACP headquarters. You’ll find news and commentary on current events related to our mission, and a wealth of links to articles, videos, and more.

Questions or suggestions related to the website? We would be happy to hear from you. Additional contact information can be found on the “Contact Us” tab.

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